Coast to Coast Mom Squad
30 mothers living from coast to coast in the US. Each of us has a different background that effects what we believe, how we raise our families, and view life. Despite that, we have learned that a common thread is we all care about our families & do what we believe is the best for them. This is our tribe. Our support network, and we welcome you to it.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
What the?!?
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Struggles and successes of a working mom
I totally had this breaking point last night while making a list of everything I need to do today. Between preschool drop off, baby feedings, diaper changes, and nap times I need to get at least 8 hours of work (and it's a busy week at work for me so really more than that needs to get done), then there's the end of the night with dinner to cook, bath times, bed times, dishes to wash, toys to pick up. And I end up wondering by the end of the day "did I get enough work done today?" "Did I even have a single conversation with my toddler today?" "Did I hold the girls enough?" Then the realization hits me that I am not the first person to do it all. My mom has always worked full time while raising my brother and I. The problem is she always made it look easy. I don't remember growing up feeling neglected, our house was always clean, meals were home made the majority of the time besides a Friday night pizza every once in a while. I sometimes feel like I'm failing at something that comes so easy to others... But maybe it wasn't as easy as she made it look. She worked her butt off ( and still does to this day). In a perfect world I wouldn't have to work. But financially that just isn't possible, and probably never will be. So for now, my goal is going to be to try to make this whole working mom of 3 thing look as easy as I can while trying to enjoy the little things I sometimes miss in every day life.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Banana Bread-Harvest Style
Prep time: 20 minutes. Bake time: 70 minutes. Total time: 90 minutes
You will need:
-9x5x3 loaf pan
-3 (over) ripe bananas
-8 tbs butter (room temperature)
-2 eggs
-1 cup sugar
-2 cups all purpose flour
-1 tsp baking soda
-1 tsp baking powder
-1 tsp ground cinnamon
-1 tbs milk
-1 tsp salt
-3-10 drops OnGuard doterra oil blend (depends on how strong you want the spice flavor to be)
-1 tbs chia seeds
- 1/2 cup chopped walnuts
-Preheat over to 325 degrees, lightly grease loaf pan.
-Cream together sugar and butter, add one egg at a time, beating well.
-In a separate large bowl mash bananas and add the baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, milk, salt, chia seeds, and OnGuard oil- mix together well.
-Add sugar/butter to banana mixture and fold together.
-Add flour one cup at a time and mix well between the two cups.
-Pour batter into loaf pan, top with chopped walnuts.
-Bake at 325 for 1 hour and 10 minutes. You will know that the bread is done when you poke it with a toothpick and it comes out clean.
-Let cool in pan 30-60 minutes then gently remove and slice to serve!
Mom of one soon to be two
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Stop it "negative Nancy"!
I will never understand is telling a soon-to-be moms negative things about her soon-to-be earth side baby and parenting journey. Why do it? Because misery loves company? What good does it do? It doesn't help you to feel better or fix a problem, and it definitely does not help the already nervous pregnant mother.
She will find out soon enough that her sleep will suffer from middle of the night feedings and diaper changes. That finding time to take a shower longer than 5 minutes will be difficult because she will be rushed for worry of her baby crying. That her relationship (marriage) will be different too. Tell her the positive things you have found, give her something good to think about and look forward to!
- Don't scare her and tell you about some labor horror story that you experienced or heard from a friend of a friend. Tell her how it's one of the most raw and empowering things she will ever experience, how she will find truly amazing strength that she didn't know was in her all for the love of this tiny person growing in her. Tell her to do what she can to cherish the last bit of her pregnancy even though she is tired, and stretched to the max because she will find herself missing her big belly and those kicks and hiccups. Missing the time where it was really just she and her baby sharing a unique-beautiful bond that nobody else will understand or be able to describe.
- Don't tell her about how she will never sleep again. Tell her about how she will, will herself to stay up just a few minutes longer because she can't pull her eyes away from the sweet beautiful sleeping babe that she brought into this world. That each smile and giggle will make her forget her tiredness and feel full of life like nothing else.
- Don't tell her about how her relationship (marriage) will suffer. Tell her about how she will find herself falling in love all over again and in a deeper different way than the first time because there is truly something magical about seeing the man you love, fall in love and care for your child(ren). That those moments make your relationship strong and different than it was before.
- Don't tell her that she won't have a life after baby arrives. Tell that yes, her life will change and be different from anything she has known or experienced before she became a mother but that it is so worth it. That she won't remember life before her baby or want to go back to it because this new life is so amazing and rewarding.
- Tell her that she will learn so much about herself and find beauty in the small things looking through the eyes of her child.
- Tell her that she is not in this alone! That there are a million other mothers out there questioning on if they are doing this right and that she does have support when she needs it!
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Please allow me to introduce myself.
I am pretty stoked that you found us!
As you may (or may not) know from other posts we are a large group of moms from all one the country in all different walks of life.
Each of us has a different background that plays into what we believe, the way we raise our families, and how we view life in general. Some of us are so dynamically different from one another that I would even dare say that the only reason we were introduced and became friends was because of being pregnant and due with a child the same month.
Despite that, over the last 2+ years of getting to know one another and checking up on each other almost daily we have learned that a strong common thread is we all care about our families and do what we believe is the best for them. We all struggle with the same day to day issues and talk and help one another out to work through them.
This is our tribe. Our support network, and we welcome you to it.
Now about me.
I am Star, you can find me elsewhere as starwarsmamma.
My family consists of myself, my husband aka The Jedi Dad, our son aka The Little Jedi, and we recently welcomed a little girl aka The Rebel Princess, into our family. She was born at home in the tub after a beautiful, peaceful, and very short labor. We dwell in the Pacific North West known to some as Portland…we call it Endor.
I'm rather opinionated on "hot button issues" but do my best not to step on toes when it comes to those opinions. I am German at heart (American by birth). I used to live in Germany and would love to live there again. My spirit loves to wonder- in the woods, the beach, the city-anywhere to go and discover something.
I have found that most things uterus related are a passion of mine, this comes from struggling for two years and going through two miscarriages to have my first born son. Maybe one day that passion will lead me to becoming a doula possibly even a midwife but for now I just enjoying the time where my babies are babies and supporting women as needed through their journey of motherhood.
I am a nerd. I love Star Wars (not as much as my husband but still enough), anime, sci-fi, and fiction books when I actually find one that holds my interest. I love photography and take lots and lots of photos of my family which means that I have few of myself. I have terrible grammar and spelling I apologize in advance to those of you who be driven crazy by those mistakes. Baking is how I unwind, the kitchen is my space and I do not like having people invade it when I am in there. Right now my current project is a children's non-profit called Sabers For Smiles where we plan to make and give (light) sabers to children facing difficult life situations.