I totally had this breaking point last night while making a list of everything I need to do today. Between preschool drop off, baby feedings, diaper changes, and nap times I need to get at least 8 hours of work (and it's a busy week at work for me so really more than that needs to get done), then there's the end of the night with dinner to cook, bath times, bed times, dishes to wash, toys to pick up. And I end up wondering by the end of the day "did I get enough work done today?" "Did I even have a single conversation with my toddler today?" "Did I hold the girls enough?" Then the realization hits me that I am not the first person to do it all. My mom has always worked full time while raising my brother and I. The problem is she always made it look easy. I don't remember growing up feeling neglected, our house was always clean, meals were home made the majority of the time besides a Friday night pizza every once in a while. I sometimes feel like I'm failing at something that comes so easy to others... But maybe it wasn't as easy as she made it look. She worked her butt off ( and still does to this day). In a perfect world I wouldn't have to work. But financially that just isn't possible, and probably never will be. So for now, my goal is going to be to try to make this whole working mom of 3 thing look as easy as I can while trying to enjoy the little things I sometimes miss in every day life.
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