Greetings Internet Warriors!
A brief introduction to me and why I believe in this blog. I am a mom. On top of that, I have a wonderful husband, a great job, and lots of interests and hobbies. Five years ago, I joined a lot of internet forums to help me navigate this thing called motherhood. I frequented all of the big group sites trying to learn how to do everything. I found good advice, well intentioned advice, and crazy advice. Since I was so new to mommyhood, I didn't speak up. Fast forward 3 years and I was at it again with having another child. This time, I was active. I had thoughts, advice ( well intentioned ), and some experience. Fast forward through those internet groups and I met over 30 women that I have fallen in love with. I couldn't believe that I could open up to people I had never met, but I was curious and ravenous for others to see ME and to talk to ME about these crazy things we do as mothers. I was in need of more than group anonymous posts. I was in need of the village that I didn't have locally. These women come from across the country. They have all ages, sizes of families, career choices, relationship status', and parenting styles. Yet, we had the same need. To be seen and heard. For who we are. Of course we don't do things the same. Of course, we have different challenges with our littles. But we are together in this saga. We listen and we help. It's great to have these women as friends. Some of our stuff needs to be private, but some of these situations and issues need to be shared. Talked about. Learned from. And mostly, laughed about with the knowingness of being a mommy and "done that". Please join us in our quest to fight the good fight of raising good people and the many ways that we do that.
another mommy that is learning every day!
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