Tuesday, November 4, 2014

What the?!?

What the?!? My five year olds new favorite phrase. His response to everything... Looking at a picture, pointing out a book, reading a street sign, all elicits "what the?!?". I'm not sure where he picked up this phrase. It might be me. It might be kindergarten. I'm just glad there is no inappropriate finish to the sentence. I'm learning a lot with a newly minted kindergartener. He has all of these new ideas of independence and what is acceptable. I'm navigating worrying about his academics, his new social structure, and our new position of parenthood with his new classmates. All that comes to mind is the Dirty Dancing line: "lots of new changes, Max. Lots of changes." 

School, friends, teachers, social structure, academics... These are all of the things plaguing my brain these days. Not to mention a full time job and a toddler that I feel like I'm neglecting since her older brother had 100% of my attention at this age. 

Please just let my kid like school. Please just let my kid have a friend. Please just let the teacher see all of his positives in spite of his challenges. 

This is my daily motto to all of the crazy that parenthood has shown me. What the?!?! Vaccines, bf'ing, reading early, cloth diapering, tv time, how much should my kid do by what at age... I'm throwing up my hands and saying "what the?!?"

Love your kids. Do your best. Get through another day. 

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